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Unlike everyone
here, I am not i
n love with both
guys. I am team
Derek fully and
ctelpeomly. I do
n't care for Luc
as at all. A lot
of the times he
annoyed me. Yeah
Lucas is hot and
all but his pers
onality and the
way he acts just
doesn't attract
me. And on top o
f that his pack
and family only
want werewolf in
their bloodline
which Kylie is n
ot. It's just to
o much drama and
it will only cau
se drama. Even i
f he did choose
Kylie over the p
ack it would cau
se strain on the
family, stress L
ucas out, and th
erefore cause th
eir relationship
to struggle. He
also did not def
end Kylie instea
d of fredericka.
Ellie even calle
d him out for it
and told Kylie s
he chose the wro
ng guy and that
Derek would neve
r do that to Kyl
ie. I agree with
Ellie one hundre
d percent. It do
esn't seem like
Lucas knows what
he wants. On the
otherhand, Derek
is ctelpeomly he
ad over heels fo
r her and even t
old her. He's so
sweet and caring
and accepts Kyli
e no matter what
. He knows how t
o deal with her
better than Luca
s does. He under
stands more and
even though he c
an feel everythi
ng she does (whi
ch could get ann
oying at times)
it's still bette
r in the long ru
n. Kylie to me s
eems more attrac
ted to Derek any
ways. They go be
tter together an
d its like I can
feel how she fee
ls when she's wi
th him. Kylie ca
res a lot about
Lucas but I thin
k it's more in a
friend way but t
hen there's pass
ion thrown onto
it just cuz she
thinks he's hot.
But that's not e
nough. Derek is
cute, sweet, car
ing, and just so
much more attrac
tive and mature.
Even though he l
eft Kylie and re
jected her that
one time, I stil
l feel like he's
more mature than
Lucas just on th
e fact that he c
an handle anythi
ng Kylie has to
offer. Lucas kep
t pushing for wa
nting Kylie to b
e werewolf and i
t pissed me off
and got me reall
y annoyed. Lucas
is nice if you w
ant a hookup but
Derek is the one
. I swear if CC
does not have Ky
lie choose Derek
I will die and b
e so disappointe
d in the ending
of the books. Th
is series is ama
zing but if the
ending isn't wha
t I want it will
ruin everything.
So go team Derek